Hosting a Foreign Exchange Student with PAX in Fresno, California

Business Listings Fresno, California


PAX Academic Exchange is looking for local families in the area to participate in a wonderful program that enriches the lives of each individual participant, as well as the surrounding community. Our program is aimed at breaking down the barriers between language and culture, by providing a chance for a young person from one of over 70 different countries to come live in America for either a semester or a full school year to experience what life is like as a "Typical American Teenager".
In order for these students to have a successful program year, PAX strives to find host families that are excited to be able to invest in them and to be a part of their growth and learning. Host families come in all shapes and sizes, from families with small children, to empty nesters, from big families with teenagers, to younger couples without children of their own yet. Host families will have the chance to experience a whole new culture from within their own home. They will have the opportunity to learn about another part of the world, in values, ideas, and customs, without having to travel anywhere. They also get to have a lasting impact on a young person's life, not to mention the potential for forming a lasting relationship to a young person from the other side of the world!
PAX students are selected for the program based upon academic ability as well as strength of character and maturity to handle such a grand adventure. They are all 15-18 years old and will be attending the local high school nearest to their host homes. Students have their own health insurance through the program, as well as their own spending money in case they need school supplies, or clothes, or for entertainment.

PAX has been around for 25 years, and we are one of the top ten placing organizations in the United States. We enjoy a solid relationship with the Department of State, and are CSEIT certified. For more information about the organization please visit
If you are interested in hosting, or would like more information, please call (209) 640-2040 or email me ([email protected]) or go to the pax website at and I'd love to chat with you more about the program and what hosting entails.

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Views 22
Listing id 31023
Post date March 24, 2016 10:20 PM
Last edit March 25, 2016 9:48 PM
Result 0 votes
Mandy Colby
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